Robin Skidmore, CEO of Journey Further, is a serial entrepreneur. He built his first agency Epiphany and sold it into listed business, Jaywing in 2014. In this episode he explains what drove him to set up his second agency, performance marketing specialist Journey Further, and how the lessons he learnt from his first outing in the sector have allowed him to turbocharge growth.

Robin talks about the importance of goal-setting and how he and his business partner take time to align on personal and business goals. If you’d like an insight into Robin’s goal-setting process you can download a template here.  

The US is now a key focus for Robin’s energies. Having had some early experience, he believes the only route to success is to be physically there. He explains how he learnt this the hard way and how any preconceptions that the UK and US markets are similar disappear once you get face to face with the reality of doing business in the US. Robin’s just moved his family out to NYC for the next 12 months so he’s taking his own medicine!

Waypointers Episode 23 – Driving growth and breaking into the US – with Robin Skidmore

Published 1st November 2023